doors are now closed for the “legacy of compassion embodied leadership program”

This is an invitation to female-bodied coaches, healers, facilitators, creatives, & conscious people-leaders to dive deeply into your leadership practice, unlock your potential & amplify your influence to serve more people in 2023 in a way that works for you and your unique energetic signature.

Evolve your leadership & amplify your influence by joining

Join us for only


need a payment plan? click here to review payment plan options.

what do i get in this program?

Your next level includes:


6 Group Activation Calls: Get 2, LIVE group activation experiences each month (for 3 months) where you'll expand your consciousness and receive guidance around embodying your NEW LEADERSHIP IDENTITY that is grounded, authentic, compassionate, inclusive, and human-centered ($6,997 Market Value)


6 Group Embodiment Sessions: Get 2, LIVE, group embodiment sessions each month (for 3 months) where you’ll receive further guidance grounding into your NEW LEADERSHIP IDENTITY and anchoring it into your nervous system with embodiment practices ($6,697 Market Value)


6 Playbooks full of teachings, curated resources, assignments, & challenges designed to support you in (re)discovering empathy and connection as an authentic, embodied leader ($3,797 Market Value)


12 Weekly Guided Meditation Audio Recordings to further support you in embodying your NEW LEADERSHIP IDENTITY ($1,197 Market Value)


Private Community: Get access to our exclusive "Legacy of Compassion" community where you'll be able to connect with and be held accountable by other likeminded, conscious leaders and change-makers that are ready to expand their capacity for empathy and connection to cultivate better relationships ($1,397 Market Value)


Bonus #1:  1-Year access to my workshop: “Storytelling for Empowering Inclusive Cultures of Belonging & Resilience” ($3,297 Market Value)


Bonus #2: 1-Year access to my workshop, "How to Hold Sacred Space in Troubled Times", where I share my roadmap for creating a sense of “psychological safety” at home and at work ($3,297 Market Value)


Bonus #3: A thoughtfully curated care-package from Heather, sent to your home in the mail, to surprise, delight, and inspire you as we take this journey together! ($100 Market Value)

Total Market Value: $25,382.00

TODAY: $3,497.00


“Heather's gifts helped unlock what I now believe to be my path, my service during my time on this planet, and what I uniquely have to offer to the world. I discovered what alignment for me feels like which I now use as a guide for decision-making so I can trust that I am living with authentic intention and integrity.”

-Maria J.

“I’m so grateful to have spent the morning learning from this stunning, intelligent, inspiring woman. Not only is Heather an amazing coach, she is a diversity educator and a brave leader in the space of creating healing and integration in our culture around race and social justice.”

-Rachel S.

"Working with Heather was a gradual detox of all the belief structures that were keeping me small and in a pattern of burnout - a re-humanizing process in an increasingly digital world. Being in this space, with these incredible people, was the container for me to see what it meant to embody your medicine so that I could do the same. As a BIPOC woman, a settler on unceded Kizh land, with 15 years in commercial banking, I was detoxing from all the ways scarcity consciousness was embedded into my life. This container supported me by creating a safe-structured-spacious container to meet those many ways with grace and compassion to lovingly let them go so I could deepen my purpose and authenticity. I highly recommend this program to anyone looking to grow their community building skills through their relationship with themselves.”

-Krisell V.

“Legacy of Compassion" is the right work at the right time. An initiation and invocation. At the start of the program, I experienced the devastating loss of my mother. I initially signed up for support in cultivating my heartwork but felt unsure if I could continue. However, I trusted Heather as a space holder, and most importantly, as a friend. And I am so deeply grateful that I stayed. Through the program's unfolding, I dove deep. The permission I felt in my body to simply be was astounding. Our collective conversations allowed me to feel into the pain and pleasure of healing, allowed my grief and the erotic to emerge and create…Through Heather's stewardship and my cohort-mates' wisdom, I am now actively detoxifying and divesting from old habits of white supremacist, and patriarchal ways of work(ing) and making choices that follow the guidance of spirit and my ancestors brilliance. With lifetimes worth of building other people's dreams at the expense of my own, I am now cultivating my own radical space to slowly and judiciously form my own unique heartwork, borne from my own spirit. A gift to honor myself and my mother's legacy. A gift beyond measure.

-Antoinette R.

“I am moved by how Heather embodied her liberatory leadership, care, and practice and how honoring our bodies and souls is our foundation in our practices…I will always be in deep gratitude for Heather.”

-Xeres V.

“I often  struggle to find healing practitioners to hold space for me, as most are not yet offering their practice from a trauma-informed, justice-informed place. Heather is a healer committed to those two things, which allowed me to open-up, relax, and receive. I am so grateful for the ways my womb, body and soul have been liberated through our sessions together.”

- Kelly G.


✨6 Group Activation Calls: Get 2, LIVE group activation experiences each month (for 3 months) where you'll expand your consciousness and receive guidance around embodying your NEW LEADERSHIP IDENTITY that is grounded, authentic, compassionate, inclusive, and human-centered ($6,997 Market Value)

✨6 Group Embodiment Sessions: Get 2, LIVE, group embodiment sessions each month (for 3 months) where you’ll receive further guidance grounding into your NEW LEADERSHIP IDENTITY and anchoring it into your nervous system with embodiment practices ($6,697 Market Value)

✨6 Playbooks full of teachings, curated resources, assignments, & challenges designed to support you in (re)discovering empathy and connection as an authentic, embodied leader ($3,797 Market Value)


✨12 Weekly Guided Meditation Audio Recordings to further support you in embodying your NEW LEADERSHIP IDENTITY ($1,197 Market Value)


✨Private Community: Get access to our exclusive "Legacy of Compassion" community where you'll be able to connect with and be held accountable by other likeminded, conscious leaders and change-makers that are ready to expand their capacity for empathy and connection to cultivate better relationships ($1,397 Market Value)


✨Bonus #1:  1-Year access to my workshop: “Storytelling for Empowering Inclusive Cultures of Belonging & Resilience” ($3,297 Market Value)


✨Bonus #2: 1-Year access to my workshop, "How to Hold Sacred Space in Troubled Times", where I share my roadmap for creating a sense of psychological safety in the workplace ($3,297 Market Value)


✨Bonus #3: A thoughtfully curated care-package from Heather, sent to your home in the mail, to surprise, delight, and inspire you as we take this journey together! ($100 Market Value)


Evolve your leadership for only


Heather R. Wilson

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging (DEIB) Thought Partner, Transformational Leadership Coach, Trauma-informed facilitator, ancestral healing guide, life path astrology™ reader, Speaker, & Trainer.


“5 years ago I was burned out, depressed, anxious from trying to heal from racialized trauma, and never wanting to return to the world of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) ever again. Now, I'm a trusted transformational leadership coach serving forward-thinking leaders and organizations to cultivate inclusive cultures of belonging with my healing, loving, and empowering presence. I've never felt more passionate or on purpose about sharing my gifts. So, I've been where you are, and I am here to show you exactly how you can get here, too!”

Heather is a graduate of Brown University, the NAIS Diversity Leadership Institute, and the National Diversity Practitioners Institute. She has presented and led DEIB trainings for multiple organizations including The Potomac School in McLean, VA, The National Association of Independent Schools’ “People of Color Conference”, Digital Currency Guy, The Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality in Venice, CA, Green Revolution Skin Studio in Bethesda, MD, The Spirit Weavers Gathering in Cave Junction, Oregon, and WMN Space in Culver City, CA.

In this program you will learn how to:


Foster inclusive cultures of belonging & well-being


Ground your leadership in right relationship with ancestors & the Earth


Navigate crises with confidence & authenticity


Create spaces of “psychological safety” for open dialogue & feedback


Begin healing your relationship with your greatest resource & compass, your creative/sexual energy


Set energetic boundaries that support embodied dignity & sustainability in your work


Embody a new leadership identity & open the door to abundance by sharing your unique, authentic gifts, so that you can connect with the people you are MEANT to serve, according to your astrological birth chart


doors are now closed



Orientation begins on Tuesday, January 10th, 2023 at 5pm PST/8pm EST. For 12 weeks, we will gather every Tuesday for (1.5 to 2 hours). The last day of the program is Tuesday, March 28th, 2023.



Yes. You can have a full-time job, take holidays, and/or still take care of your kids. That said, you can expect 1.5-3 hours/week of live experiences with Heather. While we encourage you to attend as many of the live gatherings as possible...we totally understand you have a busy schedule, so each live event is recorded and uploaded so you can listen to it at your leisure.


Yes, we currently offer three payment options: pay-in-full, 2 monthly payments, and 3 monthly payments. Additionally, you save $1,000 until 12pm PST/3pm EST on Tuesday, November 29th. 

Click here to review the payment options.


In this program, you don’t just learn theories or approach things intellectually/philosophically. All of the transformational tools work deep in the body and energy system in addition to creating transformation around your belief systems and leadership identity.

You do everything yourself – learning by experience and curiosity and eventually your own embodiment.

I've developed a unique 12-week journey that allows you to experience deep transformation in your body and energy field, even in a virtual session where you are not in the room with your team members and/or clients.

This program is about elevating your leadership abilities and being able to authentically model love, compassion, and well-being through deep, embodied wisdom in a way that people can feel, understand, and benefit from.

We do deep, intensive practices that will begin to fully rewire your experience of love, compassion, and authentic relationships.

There is a ritualistic, spiritual element to this program, but we also value and discuss science and neurobiology.

It’s also a celebration of our shared humanity, feelings, and the body. If this scares you - fantastic! It scares most people, and that’s part of what makes the process so great - you get to expand through your fears and limitations in a deeply loving and safely held space.

This program is also about becoming an authentic, embodied leader and fostering inclusive organizational cultures that reflect the values of love, compassion, and human-thriving.

In this program, you don't get a half-ass training, you get a comprehensive, embodied experience that sets you up to lead with authenticity and heart.

You also do everything yourself that you will ever suggest a team member or client to do, so you are embodying the wisdom yourself in order to lead most effectively.

You’ll get a framework for understanding the mind, neurobiology, and insights from academia and science. This program is informed by, but not limited to, these areas.

It’s a holistic experience in so far as you work with your mind, emotions, and the body with research-backed tools and approaches and we work with soul, energy, and consciousness, too.


No. Do not join this program if you have overwhelming debt or cannot responsibly afford this program or afford to develop your leadership skills.

I know I’m probably missing out a lot of money with this decision, but I don't believe in encouraging people to invest in something that they cannot responsibly afford to invest in.

I want this to be the best experience for you and I want you to be successful in your in cultivating inclusive culture of belonging and well-being and to be able to do this in a supported way.

If you are in fear or anxiety around money, it will have a negative impact on what you can potentially get out this program.

If you have a lot of debt, I'd recommend focusing on getting in a good space financially and then joining the next cohort.


YES! I believe that the future of leadership is about truly caring about people in ways that they can FEEL.

You can lead in a way that feels inspired and authentic. In a way that feels in integrity with the values of love, compassion, and human-thriving.

It is truly time for conscious people-leaders to rise and create new ways of relating and doing business.

I also deeply believe in the global change that happens when humans are empowered to be their true, authentic selves, in whatever spaces they are in.

When you expand your capacity for love, compassion, and authentic connection as an embodied leader, everyone benefits.


This program has the potential to truly change your life. Over the 3-month period that we meet, things will come up: challenges, obstacles, feelings, LIFE. This program is designed to help you lay the foundation for an empowered life as an authentic, embodied leader. The “Legacy of Compassion” team and community will hold, support, and guide you through the ups and the downs, the joys and the challenges of that journey. No refunds will be given once training has begun. That being said, we understand that life happens. Should your circumstances change, up to two weeks (14 days) before the start of training (our first welcome/orientation session), we will gladly refund your tuition (minus your non-refundable deposit of $250) or transfer your enrollment to the next cohort.


I can’t wait to hear from you! Email me directly at [email protected]

Embody a new leadership identity, foster inclusive cultures of belonging & well-being, & amplify your influence TO CONNECT WITH THE PEOPLE YOU'RE MEANT TO SERVE IN THIS LIFETIME.

Expand your capacity as a leader


*need a monthly payment plan? click here to review the payment options.